Lead time and shipping will vary depending on the item. Information will be specified in each product description.
Most small decor items are stocked in our store and will ship within 2-3 business days. Lighting, furniture, rugs and art ship directly from the manufacturer to you. Each manufacturers and item will have specific shipping lead times.
Once you place an order we'll contact you within 48hrs to give you an approximate lead time. Once your item is shipped you'll receive a tracking number where you'll be able to track the package and know its exact delivery date. Orders with multiple items may have multiple tracking numbers and different arrival dates. Most of our vendors will ship within 5-10 business days if the item is in stock. Items with longer lead times like made to order art and some custom pillows will have lead times listed in the product description.
We work hard to update our website often to reflect the most accurate stock and estimated shipping timeframes. Unfortunately, delays in production may occur and your order may be delayed. If this occurs we will notify you of any changes. Furniture, upholstery and artwork cannot be canceled due to a backorder.
We are as eager as you to receive your amazing purchase but sadly shipments and deliveries can be delayed due to weather, holidays, and various other reasons. These delays are beyond our responsibility and may fall outside of the estimated lead time. We kindly ask that you be patient during these times. We will do our best to get your order to you as quickly as possible.
It's a total bummer but occasionally in transit your item could be delivered damaged or have a manufacturers defect. We will do our very best to send out a replacement as soon as possible.
It is in the utmost importance to fully inspect your furniture at the time of delivery and report any damage or defect to customer support team within 48 hours so that we can file a claim with our manufacturer.
If you refuse your delivery it will be brought back to the local delivery hub for inspection. Please allow 3 weeks to finalize before your replacement will be shipped out.
Unfortunately, we cannot ship outside of the US at this time. While we are working hard to expand we are still learning on how to best serve our customers regarding shipping and delivery costs.